doll head tattoo with leaves growing from top

Flash Tattoos: Everything You Need To Know

If you follow tattoo artists on Instagram and watch them regularly, you'll often see artists refer to 'flash,’' 'flash sheets,’' or 'flash tattoos' and wonder what exactly a flash tattoo might be. Please don't fret; we've got you covered with our guide to flash tattoos!

What are flash tattoos?

Tattoo flash refers to pre-drawn tattoo designs created by an artist and made available for clients. The main difference between flash tattoos and custom tattoos is that with flash, you do not have input into the design, as it is not specifically tailored for you. However, flash designs can sometimes be unique or 'one-off' pieces that the artist wants to share. Flash tattoos can encompass various styles, including fine line, blackwork, traditional, tribal, geometric, and text designs; the possibilities are endless.

Pre-drawn tattoo flash designs are usually available in specific sizes and may be intended for particular placements, such as arms, back, etc. Tattoo artists typically price these designs and showcase them online through their social media accounts or websites and on the walls of their tattoo studios in Brisbane.

The Benefits of Getting a Flash Tattoo

If you need help with indecision, flash tattoos offer a limited range of options, making it easier to choose without spending excessive time and energy on custom designs.

If you're on a budget, you can find your favourite artists' flash tattoos at more affordable prices, helping you stay within your spending limits.

Flash tattoos also typically have a faster turnaround time since your tattoo artist won't need to invest additional time in designing the artwork; they have already completed that work in advance.

  • Additionally, you can get flash tattoos while traveling or visiting different cities. This is a great way to explore various tattoo studios without a long-term commitment. A small flash tattoo can be a test run to assess an artist's style and personality before committing to larger pieces.

 Where did the concept of flash tattoos come from?

The originals of flash tattoos seemingly trace back to the 18th and 19th centuries, when sailors had pre-drawn tattoo designs that they could easily tattoo fast while on the move. They were an easy answer to sailors traveling port to port without the time to stick around and plan out a custom tattoo.

In the modern world, flash has become the industry standard. Almost every artist consistently releases their flash tattoos in Brisbane, showcasing unique designs of all styles, sizes, and budgets. Flash tattoos are the ideal go-to idea for anyone wanting a simple, fast, easy, and efficient tattoo experience with their local artist.

tattoo flash art drawings

What's the difference between flash tattoos and custom pieces?

If you're debating the idea of a flash tattoo versus something more large-scale and custom, you might wonder what the difference is. Custom tattoos are created uniquely for you or can be inspired by other artworks or tattoos but are then customised to fit your needs and wants in ink. However, a flash tattoo is a pre-drawn piece of work by the artist that they offer up to anyone who wants it; sometimes it's a one-off piece that is 'first come, first serve' while other times it might be repeatable flash where they'll tattoo something as many times as customers want.

What type of flash tattoos can I get?

The beauty of flash tattoos is that the options are endless. You could get traditional, neo-traditional, blackwork, fine line, script, mandalas, or dot work; the options are vast, so it's better to find an artist whose style matches your preferred type of art.

Who does the best flash tattoos in Brisbane?

There's only one answer to this question: Whoever your favourite artist is. All tattoo artists will have their own style and flavour of flash on offer. When you see something you love, reach out and lock in with that artist. The beauty of flash is that sizing is usually limited, so you can shop around a lot and get a different flash from different artists to try new things.

How do I know if a flash is one-off or repeatable, and what's the difference?

A one-off flash tattoo is an artist's flash design that they will only tattoo once on the client, locking in the design to that specific client. If it's repeatable, the artist is willing to do the flash on anyone who would like to book in for the art on offer.

Most times, an artist will state whether their flash is a one-time thing or a repeatable flash sheet, but if you're unsure and you are after a unique tattoo, I'd always recommend reaching out and asking before locking in a booking.

Can I take one artist's flash art to another artist to be tattooed?

To respect an artist's integrity and creative expression, we'd always advise against copying their work or taking it elsewhere to be copied.

However, some artists are okay with copying their work if they cannot tattoo you in person, or they might advise you to purchase their prints or merch when taking their work to get replica art tattooed elsewhere.

Ultimately, it's up to you and the artist you'll ask to do the artwork of another tattoo artist. Still, I'd err on the side of caution and either avoid it entirely or ask the artists involved how comfortable they are with copying work before you make a booking to avoid awkward moments.

Flash Tattoos: What Tattoo Lovers Are Saying

The most important thing when getting a tattoo is making an informed decision. Listening to professionals, friends, and artists and finding out as much information as you can is important, so we asked some tattoo collectors how they feel about flash, why they love or hate it, and whether they'll get more.

"I've had two flash tattoos in my whole life. The first was some florals in a vase from a tattoo artist in Brisbane City, and the second was some text from a Bring Me The Horizon band flash tattoo sheet. I love them both, but personally speaking, I've decided only to get custom tattoos moving forward. I love all tattoos, but I want mine to reflect my personality, so I've been working with two artists to create unique custom tattoos specific to me." - Jared L.

"I'm honestly not into flash at all. All my tattoos are generally inspired by things I find on Pinterest that match my aesthetic; I create little folders and sit with my artist to create customised artwork around pieces or ideas I love." - Vanessa T.

"I travel a lot for work, and when I have days free in random cities, I always try to find a tattoo studio that allows walk-ins so I can pick up flash. Have you ever met someone who collects stamps? That's me, except it's flash tattoos. I've had a flash in Canada, the USA, England, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand, South Africa, and obviously here at home in cities around Australia. I have no plans to stop getting flash moving forward; if my body has room, then I'll be getting tattoos!" - Mikey C.

"I love flash. I've had a bunch of flash tattoos over the years from artists around Brisbane and Cairns. It started one year with a Halloween flash sheet; the artist had these fine-line metal music flash art. I wanted one; it was cheap and easy, and I fell in love. Off the top of my head, I'd say I've got 20. Flash tattoos around my body. I just like throwing sticker-style tattoos on me when I see something that hits my vibe." - Jade E.

"I'm into flash, but only if it's original custom-designed tattoos by the specific artist. I love supporting art and artists, so flash is a wonderful way to do that, but I don't want a repeat flash or something you'll find printed off the internet. When artists create themed flash sheets of original work, I'm there for it!" - Lena W.

If you're wondering how to get your own flash tattoo, contact one of our artists today, or reach out to that incredible artist you've been watching on Instagram and add something new to your collection!

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